Early on in my walk with God he did some radical changes that would prepare me to get deeper healing, God delivered me from cigarette addiction here is my testimony. Cigarette Addiction-how it started I started smoking cigarettes at the…
Embracing changing Seasons
The word of God says for everything there is a season. Embracing changing seasons isn’t always easy and natural. It is important that we do not become attached to our seasons. Attachment hinders the opportunity for a change of season….
Two Types of Love the Bible talks about
There are two types of love the Bible talks about, in this blog we are going to get to the core of love through the word of God. When we think of love the immediate thought that comes to mind…
Seeing yourself the way God sees you
Do you struggle seeing yourself the way God sees you? This ones for you! In this blog were going to talk about seeing yourself the way God sees you. Sometimes we can feel like we have no place on this…
3 Valentine’s Day dates for the single Christian
In this blog were going to talk about 3 Valentine’s Day dates for the single Christian. This may be another year single on Valentines Day but that doesn’t mean it should be spent in sorrow. Before we jump into it…